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Exceptional Multiplier event – Italy Unimore

Exceptional Multiplier event – Italy Unimore

January 13, 2023

Organization event on legality against radicalisation in collaboration with Institute D’Arzo, Montecchio (Reggio Emilia), Prefecture and Police Reggio Emilia, Reggiana Calcio. The event is also in line with the work done by the Institutional group on baby gang and social disadvantage coordinated by Prefecture of Reggio Emilia, which includes Unimore, with respect to activities in schools and sport activities, aimed to prevent radicalisation in terms of violent and illegal actions. The event took place in Institute D’Arzo, Montecchio (Reggio Emilia), where a day on the promotion of legality and prevention of radicalised behaviour was organised. The event involved as main actors first and second grade students (approximately 14-16 years old), UNIMORE, Reggiana Calcio, Police. In the first part of the day, police first presented an app that individuals and students can use to report to police (also anonymously) cases of violent behaviour, bullying, gender violence, so that police can investigate and eventually take action; this collective moment was followed by UNIMORE labs (conducted by trained UNIMORE Students) with the students, focused on promoting a social norm against radicalisation and foster the students’ intentions to collaborate with police, also through the app. In the second part of the event, we organised a triangular: three football teams played against each other (three matches, with an Italian tournament format). Each team was mixed, composed of: students from the school; police players (from firefighters, Carabinieri, Questura, Guardia di Finanza), players from the grassroots of Reggiana Calcio (both male and female). The event was attended to by important local authorities: Prefect Reggio Emilia, Head of Police Reggio Emilia, Head of Arma dei Carabinieri Reggio Emilia, Head of Guardia di Finanza Reggio Emilia, Representative of UNIMORE, Representative of the Province of Reggio Emilia, Managers Reggiana Calcio, Superintendent Reggio Emilia, Major and one Council Member of the municipality of Montecchio, School Head, (Institute D’Arzo).


The event received attention from the media, like local TVs and newspapers and social media (e.g., Reggiana Calcio,UNIMORE).

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